This IED training aid features inert C4 packed into simulated steel pipe sections, which are then inserted into the pouches of an ammo vest. The device includes an improvised grenade utilized as the initiator, and is in a person borne suicide IED (PBIED) configuration.
Available in the following configurations:
Basic Replica:
This device is visually correct only. There is no associated penalty monitor to indicate the IED has been triggered.
Part Number : OTA-1504
Functional Replica w/ Siren:
This device operates similar to the real IED, except there is a siren to indicate that the firing device has been triggered.
This particular IED includes a push-button firing device, and the siren is activated when the firing device is activated.
Part Number : OTA-1504-FS
Functional Replica w/ Wireless Output:
This device also operates similar to the real IED, except a wireless signal is transmitted when firing device has been triggered.
A range of penalty monitors are available using this version, such as oxy/propane or compressed air blast simulation, LED lights, simulated scent generation, and more.
*The wireless transmitter requires a receiver, which can be purchased here or selected via the checkbox on this page.
Part Number : OTA-1504-FW
X-Ray :
This version of the replica IED is designed for use with X-Ray systems. Devices are constructed using explosives and components that will replicate the real device configuration.
Part Number : OTA-1504-XR